What percent of 100M people will die from H5N1 by end of 2025?
This question resolves to [(the total number of people who have died from H5N1 worldwide between market open and Dec. 31, 2025, inclusive) ÷ (100 million)]. If the number of deaths is greater than 100 million, it resolves to 100%.
I will do my best to resolve to the most reliable source, or an average thereof weighted by my best guess. I will not trade in this market.
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
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@Odoacre Binary markets are not truly binary, they can also resolve “PROB” (to a probability, with weighted payouts) and “N/A”.
@yaboi69 Thanks for explaining. So if you had 100 shares of yes and the market was resolved to 75% you'd get 75M ? And similarly if you had 100 NO you'd get 25M back ?
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