Will a sweepstakes market resolve to a partial percentage in 2024?
Dec 31

This market resolves yes if a contract (YES/NO market or answer to a multiple choice market) resolves to a percentage that is not 0% or 100% in 2024 PST.

N/A's (or a market being cancelled) will not affect this market.

This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
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@SirSalty Why is this a sweeps market? I don't think that's the best idea.

@bagelfan Someone might buy Yes and then spam suggest markets for sweepstakes that guarantee to resolve to %

@bagelfan I'm not too worried, Manifold staff chooses sweepstakes markets and how they resolve and we can't trade.

@SirSalty Yeah but doesn't this create an incentive to make many resolve to % markets and submit them on the discord sweepstakes channel?

@bagelfan If people use this as an incentive to suggest lots more markets (that are actually good so we end up making them into sweepstakes) then I am all for that. On average markets that need to resolve to a partial % a decent amount of the time are not good and won't be chosen to be sweepified. I'm really not worried at all.

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